Flood analysis in Darband and Golabdera rivers in urban areas of Tehran's north

Document Type : Applied Article


Department of Physical Geography, Faculty of Earth Sciences, Shahid Beheshti University, Iran



The Darband and Golabdare rivers present significant flood risks to northern Tehran. This study examines the downstream urban flood impacts of these rivers. Data sources include topography, rainfall records, elevation data with 59 cm accuracy, hydrometric and hydraulic data, and soil texture. Using the HEC-RAS model integrated with GIS, one-dimensional flood simulations were performed based on maximum flow for various return periods. The results highlight critical flow occurrences in Golabdare and Maqsood Beyk rivers. Transverse changes were observed, ranging from 0.4 to 1.5 m in Golabdare, 0.5 to 2.5 m in Darband, and 0.8 to 5 m in Maqsood Beyk. Flood-prone areas include sections with high flow velocities, such as narrow channels, steep slopes, outer arcs, and sudden channel widenings, where water accumulates and causes flooding.


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