To investigate the scientific nature of hazardology, despite the efforts that have been made, it is insignificant and this is a global challenge. Because there is little scientific-experimental research in this field. On the other hand, in many countries, the traditional view of this science is more than the academic view. The understanding of hazards has gradually increased through the patient research of many thinkers over the past years. It started with systematic scientific content since the formulation of the Yokohama Strategy for a Safer World and is planned with a more comprehensive approach in the Sendai Framework for Risk Reduction for 2015-2030.
Necessity: By developing and explaining the scientific nature of hazards, contemporary scientists of the cognitive sciences related to hazards turn the complexity of scientific research related to hazards into simple knowledge through the direct investigation of hazards events and laboratory practice and sometimes work and scenario formulation. Hazards strategy is explained on the same basis. It means simplifying hazards knowledge, easier understanding, beneficial education and strengthening of policies and measures to reduce hazards. And a partial credit to the way that the scientists of this field travel. The question "Does hazards science have a strategy and if so, what is it?" It is in this direction.
Methods: The method used in this article is qualitative explanation and it has been analyzed by quantitative and qualitative evaluation of the methods and data related to the risks we have faced. Also, comparative and analytical reasoning and inductive inference based on observations and studies have been used, and taking into account the presuppositions effective on decision-making and decision-making and choosing the best accepted scientific approach, hazards strategies have been obtained.
Result: The answer to this question is obtained from the investigation of hazards events, the scientific response to those events, and the scientific development of hazard science over time.
Therefore, the purpose of this article, while introducing the strategy of hazard science knowledge, is to show the transcendental role of strategy to strengthen the intellectual foundation of hazard science and to provide an insight into the scientific nature and usefulness of this knowledge in contemporary times. This article was written using the qualitative explanation method and taking into account the assumptions affecting decision-making and choosing the best scientific approach. As a result, fourteen strategies for hazard management were explained.
Innovation: The innovation of this article is inventing new and reliable concepts about hazards and recognizing a newer approach in facing it and paying attention to the design school of this science, which is expected to be informative strategies to strengthen the knowledge of hazards in the present and future and to national and international working groups. Help to reduce the effect of risks by using strategy.
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Moghimi, E. (2022). Hazards science strategy
Does Hazards science have a strategy?. Environmental Management Hazards, 9(1), 45-54. doi: 10.22059/jhsci.2022.345598.730
Moghimi, E. . "Hazards science strategy
Does Hazards science have a strategy?", Environmental Management Hazards, 9, 1, 2022, 45-54. doi: 10.22059/jhsci.2022.345598.730
Moghimi, E. (2022). 'Hazards science strategy
Does Hazards science have a strategy?', Environmental Management Hazards, 9(1), pp. 45-54. doi: 10.22059/jhsci.2022.345598.730
E. Moghimi, "Hazards science strategy
Does Hazards science have a strategy?," Environmental Management Hazards, 9 1 (2022): 45-54, doi: 10.22059/jhsci.2022.345598.730
Moghimi, E. Hazards science strategy
Does Hazards science have a strategy?. Environmental Management Hazards, 2022; 9(1): 45-54. doi: 10.22059/jhsci.2022.345598.730