Department of Geography, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran
Human driven risks are the most important cause of tension between stakeholders. since the second Pahlavi, the local trustees who were the beneficiaries and overseers of water were left out of the cycle of supervision and governance, and as a result management-based risks was increased. Therefore, their identification is of great importance for governance in river basins. The present research was conducted with an analytical method and with the aim of evaluating the role of good governance system in managing the risks and tensions of Qaranquchai river basin based on multi-level governance theory and integrated management of water resources. The relationship between the components of the research including: the challenging risks of the basin in governance, basin tension and good governance and their sub-variables including 13 indicators were identified and examined in the field through a questionnaire of 80 beneficiaries and local managers. in the test of the relationship between the variable of the local good governance pattern and the level of risks in Qaranquchai basin at a significance level of .005 ,A correlation of -0.29 was obtained. which means that as the local good governance system of the river weakens, the level of risks in the basin increases. In the test between the tension variables and basin risks, a correlation of 0.36 was obtained at a significance level of 0.001 and it showed that there is a significant and positive relationship between the amount of stress and the amount of risks in the Qaranquchai river basin, and with the increase of risks, the amount of tensions also increases. In the tension variable test with river local good governance , the correlation coefficient of 0.09 was obtained at a significance level of 0.2 which indicated the absence of a relationship. It was also found that, considering the correlation between the governance variables with the level of risks and tension, the design, implementation and application of the model of good participatory governance and integrated management of the basin can be an end to the growing and complex process of risks in the Qarango basin.
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Heidari, A. (2023). The role of good governance in managing and reducing the risks of the Qrangu river basin, Iran. Environmental Management Hazards, 10(3), 261-275. doi: 10.22059/jhsci.2023.369555.805
Heidari, A. . "The role of good governance in managing and reducing the risks of the Qrangu river basin, Iran", Environmental Management Hazards, 10, 3, 2023, 261-275. doi: 10.22059/jhsci.2023.369555.805
Heidari, A. (2023). 'The role of good governance in managing and reducing the risks of the Qrangu river basin, Iran', Environmental Management Hazards, 10(3), pp. 261-275. doi: 10.22059/jhsci.2023.369555.805
A. Heidari, "The role of good governance in managing and reducing the risks of the Qrangu river basin, Iran," Environmental Management Hazards, 10 3 (2023): 261-275, doi: 10.22059/jhsci.2023.369555.805
Heidari, A. The role of good governance in managing and reducing the risks of the Qrangu river basin, Iran. Environmental Management Hazards, 2023; 10(3): 261-275. doi: 10.22059/jhsci.2023.369555.805