Author = Seiyed Mossa Hosseini
Assessment of land subsidence in the Persepolis region and its hazards

Volume 11, Issue 3, October 2024, Pages 225-242


Roghieh Nejad Hosseini; Ebrahim Moghimi; Abolghasem Gorabi; Mousa Hosseini; Mansour Jafarbigloo

Assessing the risks of developing Kabul settlements towards flood prone areas

Volume 8, Issue 3, October 2021, Pages 229-246


Reza Jafari; Seyyed Mossa Hosseini; Seyyed Mohammd Zamanzdeh; Ebrahim Moghimi; Mansor Jafar Baiglo

Modeling of Hydraulic Behavior of Kashkan River and Determination of Floodplain Limits Using HEC-Geo-RAS

Volume 2, Issue 3, October 2015, Pages 355-369


Seiyed Mossa Hosseini; Mansour Jafar-Beiglu; Fatemeh Geravand