Remotely Sensed Evaluation of Operation Management of Golestan Dam Reservoir before the Flood

Document Type : Applied Article


1 Undergraduate Student of Environmental Hazards, Physical Geography Department, University of Tehran, P.O. Box 14155-6465, Tehran, Iran

2 Associate Professor, Physical Geography Department, University of Tehran, P.O. Box 14155-6465, Tehran, Iran



Flood hazard is one of the most destructive phenomena that affects human life worldwide. Following the activity of a powerful rainfall system on March 17, 2019, in the Gorganrood basin, a 500-yr flood occurred, and half of the Gorgan city was inundated. This research was conducted to evaluate the operation management of the Golestan Reservoir before the flood. To accomplish this study, the Landsat 8 satellite images in the period of 2002-2023 and Sentinel 2 images one month before and after the flood were processed in the Google Earth Engine (GEE) system. In total, 245 images with monthly resolution were analyzed. Five indices of AWEI_sh, NDWI, AWEInsh, WRI, and MNDWI were used to identify the water inundation area. Results show that the AWEI_sh index had the best performance in terms of a kappa coefficient of 0.985, overall accuracy of 90%, and accuracy of 100%. The results showed that while the Golestan Dam reservoir experienced less than 50% full in 90% of the months (out of 245 months), this reservoir was 68% full two days before the flood. The results of this study revealed that despite the announcement of orange-level warnings by Iran’s Meteorological Organization in 5 days before the flood event and also despite the efforts of the dam manager to exhaust the stored water in the reservoir (33 percent empty volume), these actions have not been able to protect the downstream areas of the dam from flooding. Therefore, in addition to the effect of the dam on flood control, it is necessary to revisit the locations of the human settlements downstream of the dams.


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