Measuring the vulnerability of worn tissue against environmental hazards (Case study: Naqdeh city)

Document Type : Applied Article


1 Geography and Urban Planning, Islamic Azad University, Noor, Iran

2 Geography and Urban Planning, Islamic Azad University, Rasht, Iran

3 Climatology, Faculty of Geographical Sciences, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran



The process of organizing worn-out areas in the city of Naqadeh shows that there is no coordination between the responsible organizations and there is also interference in their organizational duties; no specific organization is responsible for the desired guidance of the action system, policy-making, and planning for organizing worn-out urban areas; expert opinions are not taken into account; the expectations of the authorities from the people are reduced to economic partnership instead of full participation; the people are not justified in the action plans and their level of dissatisfaction is very high. It is important to note that any action to organize worn-out areas requires, on the one hand, policy-making, planning, and coordinated executive management, and on the other hand, it requires the active and comprehensive participation of the people with the urban management.


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