extensive social hazards in the transition of schools and ideas of criminal law and criminology

Document Type : Research Article



Widespread social hazards include a wide range of problems and dilemmas that each of them can cause undesirable effects on various aspects of human individual and social life as well as its different values and rights. History, Background and literature of identifying hazards in rights can be explored in two historic and contemporary parts. In historic period, one can study two approaches of nineteenth and twentieth century. As the first theoretician in this field, Durkheim while criticizing Lombroso’s opinions on determinism of crime occurrence and criminal’s inner orientation toward crime, suggested that crime is the product of the societies where one of its organizations is faced with troubles. In the following and with an attitude toward opinions and doctrines raised in twentieth century, socialism theoreticians believed that crime is the result of capitalism, social injustices and unfair distribution of wealth. Hence, they believed in a kind of economic determinism. Another remarkable approach was social reaction criminology. In this doctrine, crime controlling and combating institutions were also discussed and studies were directed from victims and criminals toward the institutions. Ultimately, radical criminology, in an ideological form, established a discussion of crime beyond the debates ruling in criminal law systems and opened a way for more radical views in twenty one century. The contemporary approach with a new point of view toward hazards, by emphasizing more clearly on what was mentioned before under the ideas of gemologists, and by criticizing strongly the limited definition of crime, suggested that the reason of many difficulties and hazards in human life is the behaviors leading to these hazards, behaviors that has never been considered properly in criminal law and has never been criminalized. So, they believed instead of studying crime, the social hazards should be discussed. Hence, the ideas raised by this doctrine can be introduced as a clear example of studying hazards in laws.


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