The nature of criminological behaviors which lead into hazards in new-emergent Zemiology

Document Type : Research Article


1 Faculty, University of Tehran

2 Graduate, Criminal Laws and Criminology, University of Tehran


Following to criminological schools especially radical criminology, one can introduce zemiology as a school in 21st century which attempts to define the roots of many criminal laws deficiencies and failure of criminology in curbing and controlling crimes as the limitation and constricts of criminology and to replace pure attention to crime with attention to broad social harms and hazards and behaviors which lead to it. One can look for behaviors which lead into hazards in broad circle of behaviors as the origination of some difficulties and disorders broadly in a serious and macro level and, in many cases, they leave damages too heavier than conventional crimes. The first step in this way is to provide a comprehensive and thorough definition on abovementioned behaviors which open the doors to recognize the nature of behaviors capable to enter into this circle. All these cases would pave the way to recognize a classic pillar of crime namely crime material pillar with regard to those behaviors to which we address. Such behaviors involve many different and varied actions and leave of actions that latency of behavior, intangibility of harm at the beginning and diversity of harms along with a time span between behavior occurrence and harm expose are seen as important characteristics of these behaviors. Concerning the committers of such behaviors, it should be noted that in terms of the nature of such individuals’ personality, these behaviors are capable to be exposed by legal persons – either public or private laws – for different reasons and by similar or different goals while, in contrary, among the victims, there should be both natural and legal persons as losers of such behaviors.


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