Selection of Suppliers in the Green Supply Chain High-tech Oil Industry by Combining Fuzzy Multi-criteria Decision-making Methods

Document Type : Applied Article


1 Assistant Professor, School of Industrial engineering, University of Tehran

2 Assistant Professor, School of Architecture, University of Tehran

3 PhD Candidate, School of Architecture, University of Tehran


Considering the increasing environmental hazards caused by industrial activities, more attention has been paid to the aspects of this issue and the efforts to carry out sustainable activities, which has made it very important to pay attention to environmental issues. The purpose of this research is to find the effective criteria for selecting suppliers of oil and gas products, considering the importance of these suppliers to the environmental hazards resulting from the operation of their products. By studying the past functions and reviewing the lessons, which have been learned from the implemented projects, and taking into account the experts and owners of the executive experience, key points in the supply chain that were directly related to the environmental functions were identified, and the criteria were recognized and combined with two methods of the process of Hierarchical Analysis (AHP) and the preferred method based on similarity to the fuzzy TOPSIS solution and performing paired comparisons to determine the weights of each of the criteria and the comparison of each of the suppliers according to the criteria identified in the end of the main criteria and Effective in identifying the choice of a green supplier. The results of this research can be applied in the models used by decision makers to select contractors, oil suppliers, and gas products, which can play a very important role in greening the supply chain of goods.
It is clear that in the project procedure, after decision-making and design, efficient design can provide satisfactory results regarding to the purposes and hypotheses of the study. However, can modern techniques, methods, accurate design, and prediction of various factors lead to the ultimate goal? Of course the answer is negative, because the mental and physical efforts can lead to efficient results when it is possible to show everything in practice. The accuracy and efficiency of planning should be indicated in practice; otherwise, all of them will lead to failure. Therefore, in addition to accurate planning and design, we should attempt to find a way to measure the results and find a solution to deal with problems and deviations. No system can work and achieve its highest capacity without control. All of us are familiar with chaos and delay, which is resulted to the lack of control in traffic systems. Uncontrolled water or electricity network systems can cause problems or decrease efficiency. If a building system is efficiently designed but progresses without any control, it may lead to delays or replacement. This study aims to utilize theoretical models and methods in practice to achieve new methodology in project progress measurement. Then, important points in this regard are taken into considerations and finally, theoretical foundations of methodology design are presented.
The present research intends to examine whether it is possible to combine decision-making methods that can be used to provide green supply suppliers in the supply chain of the Pars Oil and Gas Company with the intention of reducing environmental risks, including reducing environmental pollution. Then, by combining AHP and TOPSIS fuzzy methods, and applying green criteria, it provides a framework for ranking suppliers in the supply chain and selected the most suitable supplier for cooperation in the supply chain.
Materials and Method
In this research, the indicators and criteria for selecting green suppliers were collected through library studies. In particular, six major indicators were used in this study. Then, by designing a pairwise comparison questionnaire (questionnaire 1), these indicators were compared in two groups. The data from this questionnaire are included in the fuzzy AHP model to become numerical weights for the indices. In the next stage, another questionnaire (questionnaire number 2) is designed in which decision makers or respondents compare the suppliers with regard to the indicators. The data of this questionnaire and the weights obtained by the fuzzy AHP model are included in the fuzzy TOPSIS model, so that the suppliers, at the end, are prioritized according to the green criteria.
The problem of choosing green suppliers for solving multiple problems can be solved by multivariable decision analysis methods. In this research, the combination of two methods of AHP and TOPSIS has been used to achieve the answer. Since the data were collected inaccurately, and sometimes qualitatively, the use of definite methods can lead to incorrect results. Therefore, for fuzzy logic, the following methods are combined to obtain accurate results.
In this research, two methods of fuzzy AHP and TOPSIS, which are fuzzy multi criteria decision-making methods, are used to rank green suppliers that play a key and undeniable role in reducing environmental hazards and sustainable development in the supply chain used. Initially, six sources of green supply choices were identified by studying the literature. The basis of the questionnaire was compilation: comprehensive environmental management, hazardous material management, green innovation, green image, green product and pollution control. After collecting data from the experts, the Fuzzy AHP method was used to determine the significance or weight of the criteria and the green innovation indicator was identified as the most important indicator. Then, the suppliers of the company were ranked by using the fuzzy TOPSIS method. This research with a semantic approach can be the first step in the implementation of the green supply chain in service organizations and other institutions.


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