Social hazards caused by ignorance of the law with an attitude toward the judiciary

Document Type : Applied Article


1 Ph.D. Student of Private Law at Qeshm Azad University

2 Assistant Professor of Raja University of Qazvin

3 Assistant Professor of Azad University


Ignorance of the law means the lack of knowledge of the law that has been published and the timing of its implementation has passed. In general, after the publication of the law, it is assumed that everyone is aware of it and the legislator accepts in a few cases the opposite. It should be said that there are many rules in Iranian law that one of the most important of them is the rule of "ignorance does not resolve the assignment" or "ignorance is not the responsibility of the law." In fact, according to the article of a civil law, the parliamentary approvals are signed by the president after the legal process, and he has signed it for five days and communicated to the executives and issued a release order. The official newspaper should also notify these rules within 72 hours. The laws of 15 days after publication throughout the country are binding, and the principle is that all people know the law. Therefore, it should be said that ignorance is not accepted in most cases. But the court's view of public awareness is more practical and is for better enforcement, because anyone may commit a crime and say he has not been informed of the law, but there are also exceptions to ignorance Because, for example, a foreign person may travel to Iran and do not have precise information about the official laws of the country and observe them that he has accepted such cases because a person has been ignorant of ignorance, that is, the act he has done has not been attributed to his will But this ignorance is not accepted by an Iranian.
Materials and methods
The present research method is descriptive-analytical. A description of this is that all the parameters and angles discussed should be fully explained and expanded using sources and references. The analytical method is also because it examines and analyzes social communication for achieving and measuring variables.
Discussion and Results
Today, the concept of risk is one of the important issues of interest to societies. In fact, in one approach, hazards are considered to be a component of harm and crime and are associated with the person committing it. In other words, the risk of the obvious element of the harmful and criminal behavior of the individual is for other individuals or communities (Ahmadi Manesh and Saybani, 2021). Increasing crimes on the one hand and increasing laws, in some way suggests a growing change in the issues supported by lawmakers. On the other hand, it can be said that the issues protected in risky rights have taken on an abstract aspect, and in this regard include other important and general components such as security, health, etc. (Foroughi and Iran, 2018).
Social hazards and behaviors leading to crime will lead to a lot of serious problems in a wide circle. Social risks can occur in different ways in social contexts. These risks may in some way affect the social life of the people of the community and violate the rights of individuals (Van Ham, 2013). But from the point of view of criminology, there has been less study and study of social hazards (Howard Daniels and colleagues, 2018). It should be emphasized that ignorance of the law causes many dangers and crimes. At present, more than 50% of prisoners are illiterate and have no knowledge of the laws. According to investigations, the occurrence of crimes in a society is directly related to the level of literacy of individuals, so that ignorant people commit crimes more than other people. Ignorance of laws in various fields can lead to social hazards, not only the people themselves, but the community around them in difficulty and problems. For example, in the area of ​​goods liberation, customs clearance laws are observed in order to get out of the goods from the situation of smuggling and to find the legal aspect of goods. In the event of ignorance and ignorance, people may be in trouble for smuggling goods. Other important issues in the clearance of goods that threaten traders are the lack of familiarity with the customs value rules of the goods. The customs value of the goods or the value of the goods entered in the customs is the basis on which the entrance fees and duties are determined. If they are not aware of the customs duties of the goods, they will be confused in calculating the cost and will suffer a lot of financial losses. The law which has been passed on the subject of ignorance is article 56 of the law on combating smuggling of goods and currency.
It should be said that the innovation that has been considered in this research is the subject of social hazards due to ignorance that has not been considered in any research. It should be said that social hazards and behaviors leading to crime will lead to a lot of serious problems in a wide circle. But unfortunately, from a criminal point of view, less attention has been paid to the study of social hazards. The point about ignorance is that the rule of "ignorance to the law is not responsible" is a general rule and refers to it. The most important basis of this rule, as well as the most important goal of the rule, is the consolidation of public order, but the failure to implement the rule, in some special circumstances, does not lead to the collapse of public order. The results of this study should be said that the publication of the laws of the law, in the community (the official newspaper), is not a good way to do this and does not have good information power.
The deadline that after passing, persons who are aware of the new law is assumed (15 days) considering the publication and scientific and cultural structure of the society is very little time.  On the other hand, it is true that if the assumption of the knowledge of individuals is not about the law, public order will be at risk, but it must be accepted that the assumption of one thing, at least, must be slightly in accordance, if very few people in our society are familiar with the law in practice.


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