Flood zoning of Shahristanak drainage basin using WMS hydrological model and GIS integration

Document Type : Applied Article


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Geography, Chalus Branch, Islamic Azad University, Chalus, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Geography, Mahshahr Branch, Islamic Azad University, Mahshahr, Iran



Flooding is one of the most important challenges facing human civilization and its impact is expected to increase due to climate change and massive urbanization. The purpose of this research is to zonate flood occurrence using WMS hydrological model with GIS integration in Shahristanak watershed, one of the sub-basins of Karaj dam in Alborz province. In this study, geological maps 1:100000, topography 1:2000 and 1:50000, soil 1:100000, and data from synoptic and rain gauge stations are considered as the most basic data of this research for flood zoning in Shahristanak catchment area. Also, ArcGIS 10.3, WMS software was used to analyze and prepare maps. A modified version of TOPAZ model along with WMS was used to calculate the flow direction from the DEM active area. The results show that in the upstream and downstream of the catchment basin, as we move away from the center of the river, the area of water depth increases. While in some places upstream of the river, the water depth is less. In other words, the lower the water depth, the greater its area, and the greater the water depth, the smaller its area. Most of the area is 4.03 meters deep, which is equal to 44.2 hectares. The area of the depth of 8.06 meters is equal to 14.5 hectares, the area of the depth of 12.09 meters is equal to 4.6 hectares, the area of the depth of 16.12 meters is equal to 1.4 hectares, and the area of the depth of 20.15 meters is equal to 1.1. It is hectares. In general, the WMS model and its integration with GIS is for flood zoning and determining risk ranges in the region.


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