Representation of Natural Hazard Management in Cinema

Document Type : Applied Article


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Anthropology, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

2 Associate Professor, Department of Anthropology, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran



Cinema as a means of communication has the ability to represent environmental issues and influence the audience's perception and understanding in the management of environmental hazards. This research seeks to answer the questions: How is the representation of natural hazard management depicted in the cinema of Iran and the world? Has cinema been able to increase the social awareness of its audience regarding how to confront hazards? This research has conducted a qualitative content analysis of 17 foreign films and 9 Iranian films. Based on the content of the analyzed films and after coding the research findings, six main themes were identified. The epresentation of this management in the cinema of the world and Iran is shaped based on two concepts that emerge from the conceptual framework of this research. The contents that can be related to the natural hazards management cycle are as follows: Natural hazards; The experience of sudden collapse and destruction of life, Decision-making for natural hazards management, Rescue and relief, Control of natural hazards caused by natural hazards, Reconstruction, recovery, and rehabilitation Investment ,Encouragement of preventive actions for the next natural hazards. The findings of this research indicate that a society seeking to establish an effective relationship with nature and recognizing the role of social realities in the formation of disasters strives to control vulnerability and enhance resilience. In global cinema, the management of natural hazards is primarily reflected within the framework of rational, proactive, practical, and targeted management. In Iranian cinema, the management of natural hazards is often portrayed as a form of surrender to nature, characterized by waiting for assistance and an inability to control hazards. This depiction reflects a more passive approach compared to the proactive strategies shown in global cinema.


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