A Phenomenological Annalise of the Lived Experience of EMS Personnel in Assisting the Victims of Road Accidents, A case study of Bam rescue base

Document Type : Applied Article


Assistant Professor, Department of sociology, Kerman Branch, Islamic Azad University, Kerman, Iran



Road accidents are one of the most important causes of death across the world, killing many people every year. The aim of the present study is the phenomenological study of the lived experience of ems personnel in assisting the victims of road accidents in the city of Bam. The research method is qualitative and based on phenomenological approach. The statistical population includes all officials and personnel of EMS in this city. Sampling was done using the purposeful sampling method. The samples include 25 people and its purpose was to achieve theoretical saturation. The data analysis was performed by using open, axial and selective coding. The results demonstrated that inter-organizational inconsistency, ignorance in facing the crisis and equipment-communication weakness are the most important problems experienced in the field of assistance. Moreover, issues such as long distances between the stations, inexperience of some newly recruited personnel, lack of motivation and outdated equipment are among the most important issues and problems of EMS in this city. The overall conclusion of the research indicates that equipping ambulances and medical equipment along with updating the information system such as satellite mobiles and coordination between the traffic, Red Crescent and fire organizations should be prioritized in road assistance services.


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