Design and validation of the optimal model against hazardous crimes related to cryptocurrency in Iranian criminal law

Document Type : Applied Article


1 Department of Criminal Law and Criminology, Assistant Professor University of Science and Culture, Tehran, Iran

2 PhD student in Criminal law and criminology, Kish Azad Campus University, Kish, Iran

3 Department of Jurisprudence and Criminal Law, Assistant Professor University of Judicial Law and Administrative Services, Tehran, Iran Abstract



Concerning the wide scope of the issue of cryptocurrencies in both international and domestic dimensions, cryptocurrencies have become a solitary life of criminals because governments have less supervision over them, and it leads to the creation of risky crimes such as money laundering, tax evasion, fraud, financing of terrorism, etc. and many people have been victimized and lost money in this field(cryptocurrencies). This topic has gradually brought the cryptocurrency discussion into legal discussions and countries are trying to establish laws in this regard. Therefore, the current research aims to design and validate the optimal model against risky crimes related to cryptocurrency in Iranian Law. To process the problem, qualitative research strategy and thematic analysis type were used. The research data was collected using semi-standard interviews with 12 experts in the field of cryptocurrencies and their related crimes who were selected using the theoretical sampling method and using thematic analysis method of the network of the analyzed themes and the conceptual model of network measurement was built. In addition, to "validate" the themes, and the built model, two methods of validity evaluation were used in the communication method and the audit method, and for "reliability assessment", two methods of reproducibility and transferability or generalizability were used. The findings of the qualitative research showed that the design and validation of the optimal model against risky crimes related to crypto-currency with 3 overarching themes: 1. the synergistic interaction within and outside the system in the field of cryptocurrencies 2. the overarching theme of applying knowledge management in the field of cryptocurrencies 3. the overarching theme of reducing all kinds of risks and improving the level of hardware and software security has reached theoretical saturation.


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