A new approach to environmental hazards and sustainable development for Iran

Document Type : Applied Article


Professor, University of Tehran, Iran



Iran is a rapidly developing country. The development model of this country must be sustainable. Sustainable development in Iran is a development that is carried out, among other things, by taking into account hazardous environmental events. During the past two decades, academic experts and students have conducted research on Iran's environmental hazards from the perspective of natural, social, behavioral and technological environment. The findings of this research are that the hazards still exist. On the other hand, the government's ability to compensate is very low. Basic measures are not taken to reduce the damage. On the other hand, development thinking based on environmental hazards does not dominate the development model. The attitude towards nature is weak. Based on this, it was suggested to the people, government forces and private active forces to accept the responsibility caused by environmental hazards. Design the damage of future hazards. Link damage reduction to sustainable development. Design the development model according to the potential of environmental hazards.


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