Analyzing the Factors Affecting News Management in Large Fires With an Emphasis on the Plasko Incident

Document Type : Applied Article


1 PhD Student in Media Management, Department of Communication and Media Sciences, Faculty of Social Sciences, Communication and Media, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran

2 PhD in Communication Sciences, Department of Communication Sciences, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran

3 PhD in Communication Sciences, Department of Social Communication Sciences, North Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran



This study aims to identify the factors affecting news management during major fires and uses a mixed-methods approach incorporating both quantitative and qualitative techniques. The qualitative sample consists of news editors from the national broadcasting organization, spokespersons, Tehran Fire Department officials, the government spokesperson, communication experts, and media editors. In the quantitative phase, all news published during the two-week Plasco hazard (January 30, 2017, to February 13, 2017), totaling over 100,000 articles, was analyzed. Data collection in the qualitative phase involved purposeful sampling and in-depth interviews, with data analyzed using thematic and quantitative content analysis methods. The findings indicate that official media during the Plasco hazard had strengths such as prominent coverage, attention to both local and national aspects of the incident, and clear and straightforward reporting. However, significant weaknesses were also identified, including a focus on event-driven news, lack of comprehensive news packages, excessive emphasis on news novelty while neglecting the "why" and "how" aspects, and insufficient attention to soft news. Additionally, the use of official sources and dissemination of classified information, coupled with positive bias, lack of neutrality, and inadequate coverage of officials and government bodies, were major weaknesses in the news coverage of the Plasco incident.


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